Pattie Santelices, City of Edinburgh Principal Officer Health and Wellbeing, joined our Assembly on Friday 18th March to share information about City of Edinburgh's 1 in 5 Child Poverty Awareness project. Ms Anstruther accompanied five Sciennes Pupil Council members to the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday 14th March and she announced that two of our P2 pupils, Emma and Bella, have won an award for their idea to '
Make a Difference!' They cleverly suggested that school could keep a 'dressing up' box of costumes for pupils to borrow and their idea was awarded £250! Ms Anstruther invited everyone to donate any unused costumes to school to add to the collection for borrowing.
We were all absolutely delighted when Pattie announced that P6B pupil Asma's poster, highlighting 1 in 5 Child Poverty, has been selected as overall winner and will be used in campaign literature throughout Edinburgh! Pattie presented Asma with a framed copy of her artwork and a certificate. Runner up P6C pupil Samara also received a framed copy of her artwork. All the children who entered the competition received special highlighter pens for their contribution in highlighting 1 in 5 child poverty. Thank you to Art Club Teacher, Heather Lucchesi, and to Ms Anstruther for helping the pupils express their ideas so well visually.
Overall 1 in 5 Poster competition winner, Asma, with Pattie Santelices |
Great achievement, Asma! |
Runner up Samara |
Highlighting 1 in 5 Child Poverty |
All the pupils were congratulated for helping to
Make a Difference by dressing up in sports gear and P.E. kit and donating to Sport Relief. Our end of day total was £450! Congratulations to Ella, Ailsa and Sarah for showing great initiative in organising their own bake sale and raising £14. Very well done to P7A and P5C girls who raised an incredible total of more than £400 rollerskating across the Forth Road Bridge! We look forward to hearing about any other personal fundraising efforts from our pupils since many are taking part in local run, swim or cycle events this weekend.
Extraordinary Sport Relief fundraising P7A and P5c girls! |
Ella, Ailsa and Sarah baked to raise £14 for Sport Relief. Great initiative! |
P7 Sports Captains congratulated pupils for their achievements this week and led everyone in singing the Sport Relief song, "Step It Up".
Special commendation to Alex, Rory and Alex for their initiative in Making a Difference by organising a school collection of Easter eggs for Foodbank. Outstanding citizens! Thank you to everyone who donated.
26 The right to have help if you are poor or in need
Article 27 The right to have a good enough standard of living
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