Confident Individuals, Emma and Bella, with Ms Anstruther |
Audience at Faith Misson, Edinburgh 1 in 5 Child Poverty Awareness Conference |
Sciennes is one of six city schools taking part in a City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) pilot project to raise
awareness of 1 in 5 Child Poverty and explore ways to reduce the
cost of the school day. Depute Head, Ms Carolyn Anstruther, and Headteacher, Mrs Alison Noble, accompanied P2 pupils, Emma and Bella, to the Faith Mission in Edinburgh on Tuesday 22nd March. In front of a huge gathered audience of Headteachers and school leaders, the P2 girls spoke about their award winning idea to '
Make a Difference.'
They realised that events like World Book Day can cause expense for
families so cleverly suggested that school could keep a 'dressing up'
box of
costumes for pupils to borrow and their idea was awarded £250! Ms
Anstruther has invited everyone to donate any old, grown out of, costumes to school to
add to the collection for borrowing.
Everyone is immensely proud of the terrific confidence shown by Emma and Bella and they were congratulated at the P1-3 and P4-7 Assemblies on Thursday 24th March.
Article 12 The right to be heard
26 The right to have help if you are poor or in need
Article 27 The right to have a good enough standard of living
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